
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

China Cabinet Change Up!!!

Hello long lost friends!!! I have been traveling for work, and I am finally home!!! This summer has been full of traveling (mostly vacation so I really can't complain!) but I must say I am ready to be home for longer than a week at a time! I have so many projects that I was planning on doing this summer, but that just did not happen! So, now I am trying to play catch-up! So, one of the projects on my list was to re-vamp my china cabinet in the dining room! I was gifted this china cabinet and the rest of my dining room furniture from my mother-in-law after we bought the house. I used THIS wonderfully decorated cabinet from my favorite design blog The House of Smiths as my inspiration.
I made some foam board backings for the three shelves about a year ago and covered them with some green floral fabric. I loved the way it looked, but I get so bored sometimes with the way stuff looks so I like to change it up a lot. HERE is what it looked like before when I had a green/coral theme going on. I am slowly but surely changing the look of my dining/living room to a much different look than it has been. I have finally picked out the shade of greige that I want to paint it, and I am going for a blue/white/black/burlap feel. When I was picking out fabric for my No Sew Curtains that I was planning on making for this room I went ahead and ordered some coordinating fabric because I knew I wanted to change up the china cabinet and make some new pillows.
So, here are my fabric choices side by side. The birds on the left is what I used for the curtains, and the chevron I decided to use for the china cabinet backing. For my shelves I calculated that I needed 3 yards (about one yard for each shelf) which brought my total to $17.94 which I was extremely happy with! A word of advice is to always go ahead and order at least a 1/2  yard extra because it is better to have enough!

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Here is what my cabinet looked like with the new backings. I bought 4 sheets of foam board at Hobby Lobby and made my measurements for each of my shelves. Cut them out with an exacto knife and piece together if you need to. The length of mine needed to be longer than the foam board's length so I just fixed it the classy way....duct taped two pieces together. I mean you cover it in beautiful fabric so really it doesn't matter! Then simply hot glue your fabric on! Super simple and cheap! I have seen things on pinterest about wall paper or wrapping paper which would work great too. I also choose to use the foam board because I am always trying to find a way to be as least committal as possible because I like to change things up a lot. So here is my china cabinet without the new knobs and without the styling...
And here is the final product!!!!

I have such a deep love for white dishes and I just love how they instantly make a look classic. They will never go out of style and again it is always the least committal choice because they can go with any color scheme or motif!

1. I bought these white beaded knobs at Hobby Lobby back probably about a year ago with the intention of putting them on the cabinet, but I wanted to wait until I knew what I wanted to do. I found THESE similar on Hobby Lobby's website.
2. I saw these amazing plates on clearance at Marshalls a few weeks back and I looove them! They only had 2 left, but that is fine because I already have a set of white dishes for 8 people that I love!
3. I got this black and white little piece at an antique store for $4 at the beginning of the summer. I left the store without it, and I couldn't quit thinking about it so I went back the following week and it was still there! It was meant to be! I got those silver salt and pepper shakers as a wedding gift.
4. These bird and paisley plates are my favorite! I got them on clearance at Marshalls before we even got married! We were engaged, but not married yet so that would have been in fall of 2011. I have a setting of 8 of these salad sized plates and I will never get rid of them they are just so beautiful. I got that white polka dot (I see a white and polka dot theme happening...) as a gift from a friend!
5. These awesome arrangements  I have had my eye on at Marshalls, and I could not justify the price at all. They finally went on clearance and I got the last two they had! I ended up getting both of them for $15 which was at the top end of what I wanted to spend, but I think they are worth every penny.
6. I have some random white plates that I have accumulated through out the years, and my little NEST creamer that I got at Marshalls as well for $3. I got the taller vase with the gold accent polka dots at an antique store for $5.

There you have it! My new china cabinet! I am seriously considering painting it white once I practice furniture painting on a few other smaller pieces first! We will see what happens!

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