Sunday, February 21, 2010

I am going to miss this....

This is what I am going to miss. Being able to go out on the quad and set up camp in the shade when the weather is gorgeous!! I love studying on the quad when the weather is nice, but I have a feeling I will like it more when I can read a book or a magazine that I want to FOR FUN!
The weather has been absolutely wonderful these past 3 days, but honestly I haven't been out in it too much. I need to make a better effort to enjoy how beautiful campus is before it gets way too hot! (I am convinced that Tuscaloosa is the armpit of the south in the summer)

So today I have been studying for my Leadership final and reading about laws in nursing is really freaking me out! Did you know that mediccal errors are the 8th leading cause of death in the US??? It kills up to 195,000 Americans every year!!!! AHHH!!! This is a scary scary stat!
This should make you feel better.... Did you know that DCH (The hospital here in Tuscaloosa) spends $293,100 each month on their electricity bill. That totals to $3,517,200 each year! Mom, you thought our bill was expensive!!! EEK!
It takes about $1,065,077 a day to run DCH! That just blows my mind!! We did learn that DCH does however receive 10% of the total sales tax for the city of Tuscaloosa!
As interesting as these facts are, unfortunately we are going to be tested on other, more boring facts haha.
Another interesting fact from the paper that I am doing for my leadership class on tracheostomy care: Tracheostomy was first discribed approximately 3000 years ago in India and Egypt! I know that all of you feel like your life is complete after knowing that totally random and useless fact!

I went to Target this morning because I needed to buy really fun items like laundry detergent and soap (bummer) so to make it fun I decided to browse the clearance racks to see if I could possibly find a dress for Wesley's formal/easter/summer weddings that I will be attending. Usually the dress that I get each year serves all of these needs! I found one! YAY! Not only was it on clearance, but it is my favorite color!!! (which is yellow just in case you didn't know that about me) I haven't ever had a dress quite like it, and I am really excited about how different it is. I have had a yellow dress once before....senior prom! Here is a picture of my dress that I got when mom and I went to Atlanta for a dance competition. It has always been my favorite dress of the many formal dresses that I had in highschool. So I thought it would be pretty neat to have a yellow dress for my senior year of college too! I want to post a picture of it, but I am going to stay strong and keep it to myself until I wear it!
I hope that everyone has had a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. So... Your medical facts successfully freaked me out. ;o)

    And I want to see your new dress!!!



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