Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Last Day that I......

This has been a week of lasts, and there are more to come this next week, too. I have been looking forward to theses lasts, but I must admit that it starts
to make me sad at the same time! I am starting to realize that I have been talking the talk when it comes to being done with nursing school, but now I have to walk the walk!!! I have got to get through this next week of finals and finish strong for my own sake!!
Talking about being done with school and graduation is one thing, but then actually realizing that I have to prepare for it makes me really nervous and anxious!
Maybe going HERE will make all of my troubles go away!
I'm pretty sure that would do it!!!! I'll just go ahead and jump on my broom and start heading towards Orlando.
So along with my last day of clinicals this week, I also had my last week of classes! So crazy!!! We have two finals this coming week (Monday and Friday) and then we have our exit exam for graduation the next Monday. Then we are all off to be adults (without getting paid). I'll be working 40 hours each week at the hospital here in Tuscaloosa. I am pretty excited, but there will definitely be some safety nets that will start to disappear!
After class on Friday Alicia and I took our cap and gown to campus to take some pictures for our graduation invitations. We stayed in one location....can you guess?? Of course, the nursing building haha. The picture that I put up right above is one that Alicia took of me in my nursing uniform! I will be glad to be done with those scrubs! We took a lot of good ones of each other! I am so excited to see how our invitations turn out!
Alicia, Ellyn, and I also went to our last gymnastics meet this weekend too! It was a great one to end on though! Bama is #1 in gymnastics, and it was also the annual PINK meet. Each year there is one meet that is called the "Pink Meet" to benefit resarch for breast cancer. Over the past 6 years over $850,000 has been given to breast cancer research/awareness/treatment. The meet was against Arizona, and we won BIG!
Although this has been a week of lasts, it is only my NEXT TO LAST weekend spent studying! I (hopefully) only have one more weekend of studying! We get three chances to pass the exit exam to graduate, so for my own sanity I would LOVE to pass it the first time!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You'll do great on your finals and the HESI...I just know it! Don't stress out this week...and call me if you me to! :)



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