So how cute are these flowers? I stumbled upon them on one of my favorite blogs
She got the inspiration from Anthropologie. They had these flowers decorating their store and when she looked a bit closer she realized what they are made out of:
*Styrofoam Balls (there are all different sizes to play with!)
*q-tips (beware it takes more than you think)
* fake floral stems with the flowers cut off
*Food Coloring
4. Add water to a tupperwear bowl then using your food coloring mix until you reach the desired color. I mixed green and blue to make a turquoise color. You could make any color you want: pink, purple, yellow, the possibilities are endless! It is important to know that they will dry lighter so make sure that the dye is darker than you actually want it. One by one rotate each flower in the water until each q-tip is colored.
ummm.... LOVE IT! :)